kontaktiral me je kolega z naslednjo idejo: Zamisel za programersko
zadrugo: sistem za vodenje evidence delovnega časa. Očitno bodo morale z
letom 2024 vse firme to uvesti. Predstavljam si, da bo ogromno nekih
firm hotelo pushati licenčne sisteme in programe. Programerska zadruga
lahko naredi res preprost open source sistem, ki se ne licencira.
Prodaja se pa uvedba, če je to potrebno, in razširitve po meri.
Sicer pa sem na bab2023 spoznal heninga, ki dela pri IT kooperativi
unicode-it: https://unicode-it.de/en pripravil pa je tudi seznam IT
kooperativ: tech-coops.xyz
Na mastodonu pa sem naletel na DisCO - *"Distributed Cooperative
Last but not the least: Bi se dobili na kaksnem sestanku in mal
predebatirali nase ideje in pricakovanja?
Hello everybody,
as discussed on disco.si people interested in IT coop signed for a
mailing list. I've decided to write a quick introduction of myself as an
ice-breaker. I also hope we won't have issues with receiving mail from
our mailing list (we had some on some other mailing lists - I'll check
DMARC config).
So, my name is Lio Novelli and I currently work as a drupal backend
developer for drunomics gmbh (AUT). Besides drupal
(https://www.drupal.org/user) I have the needed knowledge for web
development and I'm a long term GNU/linux user.
I have some organizational and sys admin experience which I gained
during 4 years of running https://kompot.si selfhosting collective.
I'm also a part-time journalist at Radio Student where I'm the co-host
of the monthly Techno Enema radio show which is now at the end of its
7th season. Episodes are available here:
https://radiostudent.si/dru%C5%BEba/tehno-klistir/ As the name of the
show suggests it covers critical tech perspective, alternative currents
in IT and regulation of IT from Free Software perspective.
I'm a big Emacs fan and I'm very interested in getting my digital life
organized in a way that is not dependent on big tech. I've build my own
keyboard: https://wiki.ljudmila.org/Tipkovnica_dactyl
Other points of interest:
- swimming and sports
- I'm a cat dad and dog mum
- digital detox
- radical leftist politics
- nature
- ...
Looking forward to get to know the rest of this mailing list members.