Pozdravljene, pozdravljeni,
upava, da ste čim uspešneje opravile_i s prvim izpitnim obdobjem in si malo
odpočile_i od bralnih srečanj. V naslednjem tednu nadaljujemo z branjem
dela *Psihologija kot materialna praksa*, pred tem pa moramo določiti še
termine naših srečanj. Prosiva vas, da do konca *petka, 21. 2. 2025*,
označite svojo razpoložljivost na linku (https://lettucemeet.com/l/RErgm) –
naj vas ne zmede, da so navedeni samo datumi za naslednji teden, tabela je
samo za pomoč, da določimo ustrezen dan in uro za *cel semester.*
Poleg tega smo na zadnjem srečanju načele pogovor o tem, da bi ponovno
organizirale (letos že četrti) *simpozij kritične psihologije*. Do sedaj
smo na simpozijih govorili o tem, kaj psihologija je, kaj je bila in kakšna
bi lahko bila v prihodnosti. Zanima naju, če imate morda kakšno idejo, o
čem bi lahko pisale in govorile letos. Sami sva pomislili, da bi bila tema
simpozija lahko »zakaj (ne) potrebujemo psihologijo(e)«. S tem sva imeli v
mislih nekaj tem, o katerih smo govorile že na nekaterih bralnih srečanjih,
na primer:
- Psihologija večino svojih spoznanj/konceptov prevzema od drugih
(starejših) ved in sistemov znanj – kakšen je sploh njen unikaten doprinos?
- Za koga je psihologija zares potrebna/uporabna?
- Ali lahko psihologija tudi škoduje?
- Kakšen bi bil svet/znanost brez psihologije? Kako bi ljudje
razmišljali o sebi?
Seveda pa je dobrodošlih še več idej, ki jih lahko predlagate z odgovorom v
to pogovorno nit. Zanima naju tudi, katera od vas bi bila pripravljena
sodelovati pri organizaciji simpozija. Če nas je dovolj, dela ni veliko,
saj si ga razdelimo tako, da vsaka doprinese, kolikor zmore in ima časa.
Javite se z odgovorom v nit, da se dobimo na kavi in dogovorimo.
Se vidimo kmalu,
Tina in Maša
Bojan Volf bo v okviru Torkovih srečanj prišel na Inštitut za kriminologijo predstaviti nekaj idej iz Psihologije kot materialne prakse. Torkova srečanja so navadno dokaj neformalna in vedno se razvije živahna debata. Če vas zanima, ste toplo vabljene, vabljeni!
Lep večer,
P.S. Inštitut za kriminologijo je skrit na zadnjem delu Pravne fakultete (stopnice zraven knjižnice), naslov je Poljanski nasip 2.
From: Inštitut za kriminologijo <inst.crim(a)pf.uni-lj.si>
Date: Tuesday, 18 February 2025 at 09:19
Subject: Vabilo na Torkovo srečanje - torek, 4. 3. 2025, ob 11. uri
Vljudno vas vabimo na predavanje dr. Bojana Volfa z naslovom »Milgramov idealni subjekt«, ki bo v okviru Torkovih srečanj potekalo v torek, 4. marca 2025, ob 11. uri, v knjižnici Inštituta za kriminologijo.
Konec oktobra 2024 je pri založbi Analecta izšla knjiga »Psihologija kot materialna praksa«, ki kritično pretresa nekatere najbolj znane socialne eksperimente s sredine 20. stoletja: Milgramov eksperiment, Aschev eksperiment, Rosenthalov eksperiment, Festingerjevo teorijo kognitivne disonance… Omenjeni eksperimenti so splošno znani, na veliko citirani in le redkokdaj problematizirani. V nasprotju z »udomačenim« pogledom nanje knjiga oživi teoretsko refleksijo, družbenopolitično, pedagoško in »dramsko« problematiko, ki stoji za temi eksperimenti. V tokratnem predavanju se bomo posebej posvetili nekaterim spregledanim vidikom zloglasnega Milgramovega eksperimenta, ki ga je Gordon Allport označil za eichmanovski eksperiment: od zgodnjih kritik eksperimenta do protislovnega značaja družbenih razmerij v samem eksperimentu, od Milgramovega »znanstvenega« proučevanja avtoritete s pozicije avtoritete do fantazmatskega okvira znanosti, od problematike »naivnega« subjekta do vprašanja, kdo je resnični subjekt eksperimenta.
Bojan Volf je leta 2023 doktoriral pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Alenke Zupančič. Njegovi teoretski interesi so vezani na teoretsko psihoanalizo, epistemologijo znanstvenih ved, filozofijo edukacije in kritiko ideologije. Doslej je objavil članke v revijah Problemi, Sodobna pedagogika in Andragoška spoznanja, omenjena knjiga pa je njegov knjižni prvenec.
Vljudno vabljeni!
Poljanski nasip 2, 1000 Ljubljana
☎️+386 1 4203 242
Zdravo, pošiljam zapis Iana Parkerja in Erice Burman o njuni odstavitvi iz
uredniškega odbora priznane revije Theory & Psychology zaradi njunih zahtev
po aktivnem delovanju po principih BDS.
Pošljemo odgovornemu uredniku Thomasu Teu sporočilo, da podpiramo njuno
pobudo? Maša & Tina vem, da sta se z vprašanjem palestinskega osvobodilnega
gibanja pri nas največ ukvarjali, bi morda lahko pripravili osnutek?
*Theory & Psychology Editorial Board*
We were removed from the Theory & Psychology Editorial Board by Thomas Teo,
the new editor of the journal, at the end of January 2025. This was just
over a month after we had sent an email to all members of the Editorial
Board (on 23 December 2024), raising the issue of Palestine and BDS. We
acknowledge we sent this email just as the Western academic world was
approaching a holiday period, and we were hoping for more responses in the
new year.
We are reproducing our original email below, an email which attracted only
a few responses from colleagues on the Board. Those responses, once again,
blurred the distinction between institutional boycott, which we were
arguing for, and boycott of individuals, which we were not. The responses
pointed to good critical work done by some Israeli academics, which we
consider to be beside the point, while the incoming editor rehearsed the
German ‘Staatsräson’ argument for the ostensibly philosemitic importance of
allying with the Israeli state. On this point, we recommend the recent
article by Pankaj Mishra (see:
https://www.theguardian.com/.../israel-and-the-delusions...). We repeat our
plea to remaining Editorial Board colleagues, who have until now largely
remained silent, to take up this issue and stand with Palestinians,
respecting their call for BDS.
This was the original email setting out our position:
This journal has been a valuable resource for ‘critical’ debates in
psychology for over thirty years, both those that are conceptual and those
that are decidedly more explicitly critical, i.e. political. We have been
involved in the journal in one way or another from the beginning. We were
happy to hear that the new editor is to be Thomas Teo, who is well known
for his work on ‘decolonial’ perspectives, and very happy to be invited by
him to put together a special issue on radical research. We got as far as
discussing this possibility with Palestinian colleagues.
However, a problem became apparent, which we raised in an email exchange
with Thomas. A member of the current editorial board has as their
institutional designation ‘The University of Haifa, Israel’. This citation
of an Israeli university affiliation is counter to the call by Palestinian
civil society organisation calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
(BDS), and gives legitimacy to the Israeli apartheid state, a state that is
now intensifying its genocide in Gaza (see:
Thomas, in response argued that BDS does not target individuals, but
institutions. We agree, and we suggested that a way forward would be that
the institutional affiliation for that individual be removed. (A similar
procedure has been used in other academic forums, and there have been
occasions when Israeli academics have been willing to publish their work in
places that adhere to BDS without their institutional designation.) Thomas
refused to explore this possibility.
Israeli academic institutions are an integral part of the apparatus of
apartheid, dispossession and genocide, something discussed in detail (and
including reference to the University of Haifa as a case in point) by Maya
Wind, in her recent study Towers of Ivory and Steel: How Israeli
Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom (2024, Verso). Wind, a Jewish Israeli
academic, calls in the book for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)
against Israeli state institutions.
BDS was an important part of the worldwide movement of resistance and
solidarity against the apartheid state in South Africa. It puts questions
of history, context, identity and standpoint to the fore, making the social
conditions in which we speak and write salient rather than hidden, erased.
This implementation of BDS is positive action. Far from being a prohibition
on speaking, BDS promotes debate and discussion about what is happening in
Palestine and enables conditions for psychology that is liberating, rather
than collusive or oppressive.
We are asking you all, Editorial Board colleagues, to take up this issue,
and stand with Palestinians, respecting their call for BDS. There has been
pressure, sometimes successful, and resignations also, unfortunately, from
other academic journals recently over the question of BDS. If there are
those among you willing to take collective action on this, we would like to
discuss this possibility and pursue it further. As things stand at the
moment, we cannot remain on the Editorial Board of a journal that gives
institutional legitimacy to Israeli state institutions and so normalises
occupation, apartheid and genocide.
Erica Burman and Ian Parker