Naznanitev predavanja
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Vljudno vabimo na predavanje Kyrilla Potapova o delu in misli Leva
Vigotskega v petek, *3. 6. 2022, ob 12. uri *v predavalnici 119 v prvem
nadstropju Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Predavanje bo
potekalo v angleškem jeziku.
*Vygotsky's Psychology of Freedom *
This talk explores Vygotsky's understanding of the complex interaction
between affect and rationality in human consciousness and its contribution
to self-determination. We will examine some philosophical roots of
Vygotsky's ideas as well as their relevance to debates in contemporary
Kyrill Potapov is a PhD candidate in human-computer interaction and
philosophy of education at the UCL Interaction Centre, UK. His work
investigates how young people's social practices affect the interpretation
of personal data.