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---------- Forwarded message ---------
Od: Jasper Friedrich <jasper.friedrich(a)outlook.com>
Date: V pon., 5. dec. 2022 ob 09:44
Subject: CfA: Political Theory and Mental Health
To: <PHILOS-L(a)liverpool.ac.uk>
Dear all,
We are happy to invite abstract submissions for our workshop ‘Political
Theory and Mental Health’ as part of the conference ‘Political Theory in
Times of Uncertainty’ takin place in Bremen, Germany September 27-29, 2023.
Please send abstracts of max. 500 words to
jasper.friedrich(a)politics.ox.ac.uk by *January 8, 2023*.
*Panel description:*
In recent years, there has, especially in the Anglophone world, been much
talk of a ‘crisis’ of mental health. Yet, despite the existence of rich
traditions of theorizing across politics and psychology, political theory
has yet to deal with these contemporary issues of mental health in much
depth. How should we conceptualize this ‘crisis’ and its relation to other
crises faced by the contemporary world and the existential uncertainty that
comes with them? Is there a mental health crisis or just an ideological
medicalization of reasonable discontent with a crisis-ridden social system?
Can we see mental health issues as the subjective manifestation of the
various objective crises of capitalism? Or are we dealing more specifically
with a crisis of care and social reproduction? Does a solution to the
mental health ‘crisis’ need to involve the amelioration of the objective
conditions of uncertainty, or is it worth trying to equip individuals to
better be able to endure uncertainty? What role do mental health care and
the disciplines of psychology, psychoanalysis, and psychiatry play – and
what are their political stakes? In order to answer these questions, we
invite papers that theorize the connection between mental health and
politics. We are especially interested in interdisciplinary approaches that
combine political and social theory with, for instance, radical psychiatry,
philosophy of mind, Mad studies, or (critiques of) the traditional
*Conference description:*
Without exaggeration, uncertainty can be described as the signature of our
time. Today, a multitude of crises and challenges confronts us with
uncertainty in an often existential manner: from the climate crisis to the
COVID pandemic, from the crises of neoliberal hegemony and liberal
democracies to the recently re-emerging conflicts about the distribution of
power in global society. Not only are possible solutions uncertain, but it
is also impossible to anticipate which new crises and challenges may arise
soon. This situation demands the reflection by political theory and the
history of ideas, as it brings political coping strategies to their limits
and casts doubt on established narratives of modern political theory. What
is needed, therefore, is an open exploration of problems beyond
well-rehearsed paradigmatic positions of contemporary political theory.
Uncertainty is not only a pressing problem of our time, but a constant
companion of the history of political thought – sometimes more and
sometimes less so. Reflecting on the problems of our time therefore not
only benefits from a synchronic look at the plural theoretical offerings of
the present, but also necessitates a diachronic look at the vicissitudes of
the history of political ideas. Moreover, the uncertainty of the present is
unquestionably a problem that cannot be approached solely through the
perspective of political theory in a narrow sense: exploratory dialogues
between political theory and other sub-disciplines of political science are
therefore not only appealing, but indispensable. Beyond the disciplinary
perspective of political science, it is essential to include other
disciplines that push beyond the narrow viewpoint of Western thought from
the outset: the uncertainties we are currently confronted with are mostly
global problems, and they belong to a world which is itself characterized
by massive inequalities, power asymmetries, conflicts, and epistemic
dissonances that not only amplify the uncertainties and insecurities, but
also constitute them in the first place. The congress takes this complex
and challenging situation as an opportunity to invite a joint reflection on
the problem. It is open to contributions from all directions and paradigms
of political theory and the history of ideas placing a strong emphasis on
the exchange between political theory and other sub- and neighbouring
disciplines. Formats that bring political theory and other sub- or
neighbouring disciplines of political science into a cooperative or
controversial dialogue, and that involve international colleagues are
therefore particularly welcome. Colleagues interested in theory from other
areas of political science or other disciplines are warmly invited to
submit proposals. The congress is organized by the Section for Political
Theory and History of Ideas of the German Political Science Association
(DVPW). Information can be found on the homepage of the congress:
Best regards,
Jasper Friedrich
Emily Dyson
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