hvala za hiter odziv. Kontakte vseh, ki smo se javili, sem posredovala Anji in vas dodala v korespondenco.

Lp, Marja 

On Thu, 16 Feb 2023, 11:13 Marja Z, <marja.zakelsek@gmail.com> wrote:
Oj, posredujem. Anja me je prosila, če bi lahko sodelovala. Javite mi prosim, katera bi.

Lp, Marja

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Podlesek, Anja <Anja.Podlesek@ff.uni-lj.si>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2023 at 00:09
Subject: Prošnja za pomoč
To: Marja Z (marja.zakelsek@gmail.com) <marja.zakelsek@gmail.com>

Marja, pozdravljeni!


Kot sem vam že omenila na zadnji seji, bi lepo prosila, če bi lahko s skupino študentk_ov, članov_ic bralnega krožka kritične psihologije (lahko pa tudi širše), izvedla en pogovor (fokusno skupino) na temo vaših pričakovanj o tem, kako naj bi med usposabljanjem za opravljanje psihološke dejavnosti visokošolski_e učitelji_ce in mentorji_ice na študijski in kasneje supervizirani praksi naslavljali družbene neenakosti. Fokusno skupino bi snemala, vsaj zvočno, če lahko, transkribirala in analizirala – da bi ohranila neposredne navedke, v anonimizirani obliki, seveda. Vaša pričakovanja bi v 10-minutnem prispevku predstavila na Evropskem kongresu psihologije, ki bo julija v Brightonu, v okviru simpozija z naslovom Cultural Humility and International Clinical Supervision.


Tole je povzetek simpozija, ki ga je oddala prof. Carol Falender, vodja simpozija:

What will be covered and why: A current focus in international research is assessment of the normative, restorative, and formative processes of clinical supervision through multicultural lenses. Clinical supervision is the major method of transmitting, supporting, and ensuring development of psychologists during the training trajectory. Research has revealed significant cultural disconnects in provision of clinical supervision, reflecting underlying attitudes, knowledge, and skill aspects of current practice. The pandemic heightened socioeconomic and cultural divides with impacts of loss, inequities, pain, and missed opportunities. Multiple international studies have identified the significant occurrence of inadequate and even harmful supervision behavior that arises from failures in cultural humility, assumptions of attitudes, awareness, missed opportunities, and inattention to worldviews of client, supervisee, supervisors and their intersections. In the U.S., Ireland, Australia, and South Africa, to name a few, research studies have identified “isms” such as racism, sexism, and ableism as frequent occurrence in major training institutions and generally, and the reality that these are commonly not addressed even when supervisees raise their relevance and import. These range of issues not only impact negatively on the learning opportunities of supervisees, but may also have negative impacts on the work they do with vulnerable clients.

Implications and strategies:  Symposia presenters from 4 continents will focus on strategies for supervision practice locally to address these concerns. The panel members will discuss relevance and value attached to clinical supervision as the major means of transmitting the practice of psychology to upcoming generations, derived from data regarding practice, oversights, and successes. Focus will be on strengths and successes in training to address specifically training and intersectional issues, including the impact of colonial practices and worldviews. 

Conclusion: Educators, whether academic or practitioners, thus need to be cognizant of these issues and committed to addressing these in providing best practice supervision and thus best outcomes for clients.


Lepo vas prosim za pomoč, če lahko razširite informacijo o fokusni skupini in k sodelovanju povabite še 5-7 oseb. Za začetek predlagam, da bi fokusno skupino (predvidoma enourno) izvedli v ponedeljek, 20. 2., do 12h ali v torek, 21. 2., ob 9.45, morda kar v predsodbi 129. To je samo začetni predlog, nekaj moram predlagati, ampak seveda še sami povejte, če imate kakšen drugačen predlog oz. kdaj bi vam tistim, ki bi si lahko prijazno vzeli_e čas, bolj odgovarjalo.



Lep pozdrav,

Anja Podlesek



Univerza v Ljubljani
Filozofska fakulteta

prof. dr. Anja Podlesek, univ. dipl. psih.
visokošolska učiteljica / 
Full Professor in Psychological Methodology

Oddelek za psihologijo / 
Department of Psychology
Filozofska fakulteta /
Faculty of Arts

Aškerčeva cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija /
T.: +386 1 4213 590
Anja.Podlesek@ff.uni-lj.si, www.ff.uni-lj.si


Univerza v Ljubljani