študijski program 3. stopnje
Transformacije moderne
misli - filozofija, psihoanaliza, kultura
V četrtek, 30. marca 2023, ob 17. uri, bo v Dvorani štirih
letnih časov ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4, 2. nadstropje,
Ljubljanana, z javnim predavanjem gostoval na filozofskem modulu
gostoval izr. prof. dr. Jan Völker.
in antropocen.
Imel bo še dva seminarja za študente in študentke in
sicer v sredo, 29. marca in v petek, 31. marca, vedno s
pričetkom ob 17. uri, v sejni sobi Filozofskega inštituta
ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, 3. nadstropje, Ljubljana. Vsebina
javnega predavanja, seminarjev in priporočena literatura so
dostopni na angleški različici vabila (tukaj).
Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU invites you to seminars and a
public lecture by Assoc. Prof. Jan Völker.
A seminar for students on Wednesday, 29th of
March 2023 at 5 p. m. at Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU,
Novi trg 2, 3rd Floor, Ljubljana:
1) Psychomedia I.
In the first seminar, we will discuss Kant’s view on the
world and the appearance of alien knowledge: Within the
Copernican worldview, Kant restricts our knowledge to
knowledge of objects in the world. The distinct difference
between outer space and earth thus posits a limit for our
knowledge. Nevertheless, Kant was throughout his lifetime
convinced that there must be life on other planets. And
furthermore, he speculated about the appearance of a new
species upon the earth itself. This new species, which
questions the Kantian paradigms of knowledge, we will argue,
is the unconscious.
Non-mandatory reading:
- Immanuel Kant,
Critique of Pure reason, A 820-831/ B 848-849 (“On
having opinions, knowing, and believing”).
A public lecture on Thursday 30th of March 2023
at 5 p. m. at Dvorana štirih letnih časov (Four
seasons hall) ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4, 2nd Floor, Ljubljana:
Adorno and the Anthropocene.
The notion of the Anthropocene points to the inscription of
the human being into the geological structure of the earth,
and furthermore it comprises the entirety of the
consequences of the existence of the human being on earth.
Therefore, it builds upon as well as it leads to the
overcoming of the classical opposition of nature and
history. But the problematic of the overcoming is as
classical as the opposition: In this context, the critical
idea of natural history, as it has been unfolded by Adorno
and Benjamin, might receive a new interpretation. However,
natural history can neither be understood as an ontological
nor as a historical notion, but necessitates a dialectical
reasoning. Adorno insists on this in his early talk on the
‘Idea of Natural History’ as well as in his late ‘Negative
Dialectics’. In my talk, I will question the dialectical
potential of the Anthropocene, starting from Adorno’s
reflections. Is there a dialectic within the Anthropocene?
A seminar for students on Friday, 31st of of
March 2023 at 5 p. m. at Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU,
Novi trg 2, 3rd Floor, Ljubljana:
2) Psychomedia II.
The Copernican worldview disintegrates once a plurality of
possible worlds within space is assumed to exist. Today we
witness an expansion of private space missions, heading for
the goal of a new, extraterrestrial colonialism. The inner
drive of this expansion is the will to align wishful
imagination and reality, to eradicate their difference. We
will discuss three examples of these operations of
psychomedia – private space travelling, new border control
technologies, and the idea of the metaverse. Their common
aim is, we will argue, to suppress the unconscious.
Non-mandatory reading:
- Jacques Lacan,
Seminar VII, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis, transl.
Dennis Porter, London: Routledge, p. 80-84. (Chapter
VI, Part 3).
PD Dr. Jan Völker is substitute professor for
Philosophy and Aesthetics at the Bauhaus University in
Weimar in the summer semester 2023. Associate Professor at
the Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU. Publications include:
Badiou and the German Tradition of Philosophy (Bloomsbury,
ed. 2019), Alain Badiou / Jean-Luc Nancy: German
Philosophy. A Dialogue (MIT Press, ed. 2017), Neue
Philosophien des Politischen zur Einführung (Laclau,
Lefort, Nancy, Rancière, Badiou) (Junius, 2012, with Uwe
Hebekus), Ästhetik der Lebendigkeit. Kants dritte Kritik
(Fink, 2011).
Seminars and lecture will be in English language. Kindly